Date: September 2-6, 2019 (9am to 5pm)
Fees: S$2100 (Early Bird fee: S$1800)
Ai & Python Programming

AI - Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics & Python Programming
Course Date |
Venue |
Time |
Course Fee/pax |
July 22-26, 2019 | Singapore | 9am to 5pm | S$2100 |
Early Bird S$1800
Program Background & Overview
This program is for executives and professionals who want to learn about the game changing disruptive technologies of the 21st century like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Smart Robotics that are being adopted rapidly across industries and a large number of functional domains in these industries.
The program covers key concepts, applications across several domains and several use cases to illustrate how these technologies can increase efficiencies, trigger innovations and help to create competitive advantages. Participants also learn a structured, easy-to-learn programming language, Python, widely used for Machine Learning, Analytics & Website Development.
Key Takeaways for Participants
- Gain an understanding of the fundamentals and business applicabilities of disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning and Robotics.
- Gain insights, through a variety of applications & use cases, about the disruptions, business models, decision support systems, projections and innovations that AI powered apps & systems can bring about in various functional domains of a corporation.
- Understand the steps involved in the process of deploying AI based tools and models and also the specializations and skills needed to become an AI professional.
- Python is one of the two most popular & widely used languages in the domains of Machine Learning and Data Science & Analytics. It is easy to learn, English-like & helps users to code quickly, thus improving productivity. Owing to its agile design and flexibility, enterprises use it for web development too.
Faculty: Raja Mitra
Raja Mitra has significant operational & leadership experience in Operations, Marketing & Business Development, Project Mgmt. & Customer support for corps. like Bull, Olivetti, an IBM Subsidiary as well as for medium-sized enterprises & start-ups in APAC.
His experience encompasses deploying Infocomm products & services in domains like Banking, Manufacturing & Distribution. Clients included HP, Oracle, Amex, State Bank of India, SMC Corp. & major publishing groups. In his leadership roles he had entered into partnerships with Microsoft & IBM ASEAN, on behalf of organisations he was working for.
Raja has a Masters in Business Management from IIM, Calcutta and a Bachelors in Engineering (B.Tech.) from IIT Kharagpur.
Faculty: Dr. Sudipta Das
Dr. Sudipta Das graduated in Electrical Engineering and has subsequently done his Ph.D. in the same discipline, after doing his post-graduation in Control Systems.
He has several years of industry experience and is currently an Asst. Professor in the Department of Data Science for a private University, where, among various subjects, he has also been involved in teaching ‘R’ & Python.
He has a number of published papers in the domains mentioned to his credit and is a visiting scientist at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), involved in the areas of Statistical Quality Control & Operations Research. His research interests include Data Analytics, Stochastic Systems and Real-time systems.
AI Fundamentals
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Overview, Definitions
- AI and its subsets
- History & Evolution of AI
- Defining AI Scientifically, Rationally, Humanly.
- What Can AI Do – A capability audit.
- Machine Learning – Definitions
- ML – Categories, Classifications
- ML Categories detailed drilldown
- ML Applications – NLP, Autonomous Navigation
- Most popular algorithms & appropriate usage of algorithms
- Set Theory & Probability theory refresher
- Binomials
- Data Manipulation, Querying & Processing – Tools, Programs, Apps
- Machine Learning Case Study
- Deep Learning – Definitions & Key Characteristics
- Deep Learning – Popular applications
- Understanding concepts like Parameters, Hyperparameters
- Concepts – Overfitting, Regularization, Optimization
- Probabilities, Conditional Probabilities & Bayes’ Theorem
- Deep Learning – Case Study
AI in Banking
- Robotics – Basic Attributes
- Robots – Categories
- Robots – Effectors & Perceptions
- AI, ML, Software in Robotics
- Smart Robots – Applications in Industry & Businesses
- Robotics – Examples, Case Study
- Robotics – Future Applications , Projections
- Use Cases: Machine Learning, ML powered Robotics
- Impact of AI on Business & Management Practices
- Cognitive Tech. – Replacing people, Working with People
- Convergence of AI & Web 3.0 (Spatial Web)
- ML Project by Participants.
Python Programming
- Bivariate data visualization
- Polynomials
- Correlation
- Simple regression
- Regression model and its interpretation
- Logistic Regression
- Regression model and its interpretation
Introduction to Python
- Python Setup
- Variable and Arithmetic in Python
- Python Data Types
- List, Tuple, String, Set, Dictionary, Array and Matrix
- Python programming
- Conditionals and Control Flow
- Loops
- Functions
- Modules and Packages: NumPy, Pandas, etc.
- Data Importation in Python
- Python graphics
- Numerical Summaries in Python
- Tutorials
Descriptive Statistics using Python
- Exploring Categorical Data
- Exploring Numerical Data
- Inferential Statistics using Python
- Simple regression: Model fit and its interpretation
- Logistic regression: Model fit and its interpretation
- Quiz
- Project
“The program was really useful in understanding the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and its subsets like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and ‘Smart Robotics’. The examples and case studies of applications in various domains like Marketing, Manufacturing, HR and Planning provided really good insights about how we could apply it in some of these domains for our corporations and institutions. Since this is becoming so integral to the functioning of today’s organizations, a program of this kind is a must for all managers and professionals who are not trained in AI, I feel.” — Mid-level Marketing Manager, Services sector.”